Monday, September 8, 2008

After one week

Today marks seven days of legit, no cheats paleo. I've had no alcohol, no sugar, no grains at all. How's it going? Pretty well actually. Energy is good, I think body fat is coming off, and I've definitely managed to eat pretty well, not to mention quit health-il-y.

A lot of fascinating things have happened since I passed my typical three or four day limit to living like this. The first four days were actually pretty hard. Work can be stressful, and when it gets really tough, one of the first things I want to do is eat comfort food and watch tv. Sometimes that's how I'll end up at the end of the night. Knowing that I can't, that I have to keep focused and prepare something balanced and paleo has produced surprising results. I (eventually) stop obsessing about relaxing with comforting (unhealthy) food and accept that I have to eat well. Its surprising that I've been able to push through the temptation with relative ease, and kind of embarassing that I rarely do so.

At the end of the week came Friday, my usual kickoff for the weekend's drinking. I substituted a great meal of a big flank steak, asparagus and blueberries and called it a night early while everyone else drank and went out for the night. I knew it would happen, and it wasn't that big of a deal. I got lots of sleep and woke up earlier than I ever do on a Saturday.

Overrall the weekend was great. Paleo is great when you don't have lots of non-paleo foods distracting and tempting you. Actually, its pretty good regardless if you do it right, but it takes a lot more planning and effort than just buying a slice.

My energy has been pretty good all week, save the (natural) sugar crash from eating a plumcot (plum/apricot hybrids that are very sweet--I didn't know this). On Saturday I had an interesting experience. I was enjoying a pork dish at a friend's bbq and wasn't too careful about avoiding the special sauce that contained sugar. Having eaten nothing but lean meats and tons of fiber for a week, I felt different immediately after a little of that sauce. It wasn't a huge difference, but it just felt like a different kind of food, one that I hadn't had in a while. The mouth feel, the way it settled in my stomach, my body's reaction to it. Makes me interested to see I feel like eating non-paleo after a month of this.

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