Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pepper Chicken, Salad, Peach

Yesterday's lunch, but with precision. I picked up a small food scale at J&R for $25 so I can weigh my protein, finally. It was about what I usually eat, maybe a little less. Good to know that I've been close with my eyeball protein (salmon may be a different story though).

Exactly 5 ounces chicken, cooked in olive oil, pepper, little salt = exactly 5 blocks protein

4 block carb salad: 4 cups baby spinach, 1.75 cups green and yellow bell peper, .75 cups snow peas, ~9" cucumber

2 blocks fat?: eyeball teaspoon sized pull of flax oil. 1 tbsp of flax oil = 11g fat or about 7 blocks fat. I aim for a teaspoon when I pour, which is about 2.5 blocks fat.
3 blocks fat: about 8 almonds and an amount of pine nuts

1 block carb: 1 under-ripe peach from a street vender. He insisted on throwing in a pluot so he didn't have to make change of a dollar for me. I won't be eating that because the last one knocked me out.

Pretty good deal, I'll have to check the glycemic index on peaches, but those are a great finish to a meal.

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