Monday, September 15, 2008

Half Done! Pork Chop, Broccoli, Watermelon, Fish Oil

Technical halfway point today.

A fairly accurate zone dinner tonight. Approximately 5 ounces of pork chop (5 blocks protein) with a dab of olive oil, kosher salt and plenty of pepper. Cooked next to half a sauteed onion (~1.5 cups raw = 2 blocks carbs) in 2 teaspoons olive oil (6 blocks fat). (Over) steamed a bunch of broccoli, 2 cups of which was another block of carbs. And what started out as a very generous .5 cups of watermelon (1 block carbs) turned into a bit more as I sliced the rest of the melon up to fit in the fridge.

So, probably a bit extra on each nutrient, but surprisingly less than I'd been eating before on just paleo. Good thing I decided to get serious about this; I was definitely over eating.

Finished up with APA and fish oil.

Meanwhile, I must say I'm pretty happy with how I'm performing at Crossfit. Today's workout was indeed a doozie:

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

I managed 4 sets for each round. This was much harder than it looks.

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