Friday, September 26, 2008

Salmon, Bacon, Pepper Salad

Last night:

.71 lbs salmon (too much) = >5 blocks protein
2 cups broccoli/.5 onion sauteed/~2 small bananas smashed and chilled with almond extract = at least 5 blocks carbs
kind of forgot the fat, maybe I grabbed a few almonds. I was going to make guacamole, but my avocado had gone bad.

This morning:

2 slices bacon/2 slices canadian bacon/1 egg = 5 protein, 3 fat
2 cups broccoli/.5 onion sauteed in bacon grease/maybe .5 cup blueberries = 3 or 4 blocks carbs. I need to figure out what these onions really are, I've been guessing for a while.
almonds and fish oil to round out fat.

I'm getting kind of sloppy with the blocks here...

For lunch today, I ran out of salad ingredients, so I improvised (by which I mean, I just threw in everything I had).

5.1 ounces chicken = 5 blocks protein -- couldn't find the pieces that would give me exactly 5.0 oz
2 cups red pepper (1.5 blocks)/2 cups spinach (.5 blocks)/1 cucumber (1 block) = 3 blocks carbs
1 macadamia/~9 almonds/'Russian' salad dressing = at least 5 blocks fat

I ran out of salsa so I had to go with the paleo-Russian dressing alone today. I don't like it much, the tomatoes make it too acidic. It reminded me of the tomatillas a bit (puke-flavored) and made my teeth feel sticky.

So, a bit light on the carbs today. It probably won't get any better with my typical Friday night steak-fest either.

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