Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bacon-fried Kale with two kinds of Bacon

I didn't feel like going to the store last night, so I had to make due with my remaining kale this morning, instead of my usual broccoli.

Protein: 2 slices bacon/2 slices canadian bacon/1 egg = 5 blocks + ~3 extra fat blocks

Carbohydrates: half onion/at least 4 cups raw kale, both sauteed in bacon fat/1 pear = 4 or 5 blocks, I need to get more precise here

Fat: excess bacon fat/3 almonds/fish oil = 5 or 6 blocks

Zone-like precision and improvisation don't mix that well. I've definitely been eating zone-like meals, but there's usually a block or two margin of error for the fat and carbs.

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