Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A day of nothing exciting, followed by Sauteed Kale and Seared Salmon

Yesterday was the same old: bacon, canadian bacon, egg, peach, something else, something else for breakfast. Exact same salad as Monday with chicken for lunch. A not-so-great (aging) flank steak, peach and watermelon for dinner.

Today was a bit better. Two slices bacon creates a lot of liquid fat on the skillet; this is great for cooking the canadian bacon AND frying up a half onion. I might have mentioned this before, but I've learned this month that the key to sauteing an onion in a pan is to get all the pieces covered in fat. Its the hot oil that cooks the onion, not so much the onions contact with the pan. And the onions don't have to be swimming in fat, just a little bit all the way around each piece will go a long way. I've watched a chopped onion sit in a pan for half an hour and get no where near brown in previous years; now I know the secret.

So, since most things are better when cooked in bacon fat, I gave the onion a try. Couldn't really tell a difference, but it does use up that excess fat and makes cooking breakfast that much easier, so I'll continue this way.

Ended up a little light on carbs, I think I ate a peach on the way out, so probably 3 blocks or so. I was fine with that since I definitely needed to be alert this morning, and forcing 5 blocks of fruit in the mornings can cause problems for me.

Lunch was unremarkable, the exact same as yesterday. Still liking the salsa salad better. Need to pick up deli turkey for 5pm snack. I got some macadamia nuts the other week to try as snack fat; they're ok, but one macadamia definitely isn't as filling as three almonds.

Dinner tonight was great, a perfectly seared salmon fillet (~8 oz =~ 5 blocks), 1 red onion and 4 cups kale sauteed = ~2 blocks + ? blocks (I thought kale was 4 cups raw = 1 block, but now I can only find 1.25 cooked = 1 block). So if I call that three the small banana can bring me up to five. PLENTY of oil used to cook all of this, plus fish oil and 2 almonds = at least 5 blocks.

Then I tried to puree my remaining bananas in my smaller food processor, unfrozen this time. Still didn't work at all, it liquified a bit of the banana (which wasn't that appetizing) and didn't touch the rest of it. So I mashed them up pretty well in a bowl, mixed in some almond extract and threw it all in the freezer. There's a good chance its rock hard tomorrow (although I think something about the high sugar content might actually mean it doesn't freeze hard...), but I'm giving it another try.

Also, beef jerky was a huge hit with everyone who had it; I'll have to make it again soon. That reminds me, I have some steak odds and ends that have been marinating since Sunday night. I wonder if those are still edible...m

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