Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Salmon, Salad, Watermelon

5 blocks as precise as I was able.

a very eyeballed 7.5 ounces salmon = 5 blocks protein

yesterday's salad of:
4 packed cups baby spinach (i hope that's accurate, no zone block guides include baby spinach, only chopped spinnach) = 1 block carb
1.25 cups green pepper = 1 block carb
~1 x 9" cucumber (or 80% of one huge cucumber) = 1 block carb
.75 cups snow peas (if you cut them in half, they measure much easier) = 1 block carb
eyeball .5 cups watermelon (i think this block was fairly accurate actually) = 1 block carb

eyeball 1. tsp flaxseed oil = 1 block fat (no idea, i should check that)
about 5 almonds and at least 15 pine nuts = more fats, hopefully about 4 blocks?

also included lemon juice, pepper, and a little red onion

I always feel like I'm adding plenty, if not too much, fat when I'm making these meals, but it always seems to come up short when I log them. I definitely need to get precise about fat.

Meanwhile, its become apparent to me that I can finish the month without difficulty. If you're not making 'zone meals', but rather eating a zone amount of protein with a zone amount of carbs and fats, the zone takes much less planning and effort. However, it is tricky to find enough delicious healthy things. I've got to find a way to make green things better at dinner time.

One other unexpected benefit I've noticed is that my teeth always feel clean, no matter what. Normally if I have clean-ish teeth, then drink a soda or something, my teeth feel sticky and definitely not too healthy. Most of the time, my teeth feel somewhere in between those two extremes. But lately, no doubt a result of completely eliminating sugars and high glycemic carbs, my teeth feel squeaky clean all day long. I have continued brushing them, though.

Also, carrots have a high glycemic index, the zone book told me yesterday. Who knew>

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