Sunday, September 21, 2008

Beef Jerky and Genesis

The jerky's in the oven, looking great. I marinated it for a solid 24 hours, which might be excessive. I'm used the marinade recipe from Mark, and combining technique from Mark and the Paleo book.

Meanwhile, I've been needing to credit Mark Sisson's "Mark's Daily Apple", primarily for two key posts.

The 30-Day Primal Health Challenge - I read this while back, before I even started thinking about doing the Sober September. It wasn't until about a week ago that I found it again and realized how much it had inspired me in this. Mark's challenge here is right on; exactly what I was trying to do in September. The original concept was to be very healthy for a month to see what impact it had on my physical fitness. As September approached and I worked through the first week, it immediately became obvious that a month of no compromises would be the real challenge and benefit.

The Primal Blueprint - This boils down the 'evolutionarily correct' lifestyle into ten bullet points. I really like the first seven and have tried to incorporate them into my everyday life, both during and outside the Sober September. A few of them are obvious, but the advice to engage in lots of low intensity activity and getting some sun every day are great cues to give your body what it needs. (The last three are pretty non-optional for me, so not that helpful).

Mark's Blueprint is great, it helped me lay some groundwork for living as healthily as possible. Of course, we still have a lot to learn about optimal health, but this experiment has really advanced my understanding of my diet, and definitely taught me a lot about how to implement this understanding.

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