Monday, September 22, 2008

Homemade Salsa and Salad Dressing

Nothing special today, besides a lack of preparation. Woke up a bit late for breakfast, ended up with 5 protein (1 egg, 2 slices canadian bacon, 1 slice turkey bacon), but only about 4 carbs (2 cups broccoli, ~1.5 cups watermelon). Almonds and fish oil round out the fat.

I also didn't get around to cooking chicken for the week last night, so I had to get Joe's salmon for lunch, which I can't complain about. I tried to improve my usual salad with some homemade, paleo Russian dressing from the paleo site. Mostly olive oil, lemon juice and tomato, with some spices and stuff. Its all right, not fantastic.

What ended up being better was the 'Anaheim Salsa' I did make last night for nothing in particular. I saw some of the directions as unnecessary, so I went off-road and chopped everything and blended nothing. This was a mistake, the 2 cups of salsa the recipe promised was a lot close to 3 quarts. I blended it down, added some salt, and the salsa turned out not too bad (kind of bland before).

Today I actually found an Anaheim pepper to throw in at Whole Foods, and that may have helped a bit too.

So I threw both of these on the salad which definitely made for a better carb bowl. The rest of the salad was the same as usual (4 cups baby spinach, 1.25 cups pepper, large cucumber) except I kept out the snow peas. The zone block list says half a cup of salsa is one block of carbs, so thats what I went with, even though I could have calculated the blocks based on the recipe.

Also, an unforeseen turkey shortage kept me under my protein allotment, which rarely happens. Oh well.

Then, as I sit at work reading Serious Eats, quite disappointed that I have to miss snatching at crossfit tonight, I come across a terrible, terrible article for someone on week four of paleo about pepperoni pizza.

Ignoring the fact that the article maligns pepperoni pizza (blasphemy), that picture is devastating.

I've pretty much conceded that my first meal out will be a feast of pizza. There are a ton of things I could go for, but pizza has definitely lingered in my mind the most. On October 1st, I will be very grateful for the past month and the experiment that I've finished, but a life without foods like pizza is not really an option for me.

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